About Indian Staffing Federation

Indian Staffing Federation, is an apex (industry) body representing manpower outsourcing industry in India. The federation works towards one common goal - Staffing India's Growth. Founded in 2011, the federation represents companies that are either utilizing services or providing services around manpower outsourcing in tripartite engagement. 

Manpower Outsourcing (Staffing), an established form of outsourcing globally, is recognized and adopted as an effective means of running businesses. The Manpower Outsourcing industry is broadly sub-segmented as Temporary/Flexi Staffing, Facility Management or Security Services companies, who provide formal employment to its job seekers. The formal staffing industry provides a platform for recognized employment, work choice, even compensation, annual benefits and health benefits for the temporary workforce that constitutes around 40% of India's total workforce. 

The purpose of ISF is to enhance long-term growth of the staffing industry and to ensure its continued ability to make positive contributions to the economy and society. The principal focus of the Federation's activities is to strengthen triangular employment relationships, in which the staffing company is the employer of the temporary worker, who works under the supervision of the user company.

ISF today comprises of over 127 member companies who collectively provide employment to over 1.7 million people throughout the country.


Streamline our legal environment fostering growth of the Industry

The staffing industry is the only form of formal employment that is witnessing double digit growth YoY. The industry however is represented with a meager 1.1% penetration of the possible employable size in India. Of the 505m employable in India, about 15% are employed in the organised sector. The manpower outsourcing industry is represented with appx 5.4 mn employed by the Temporary/Flexi Staffing Companies, appx 4.5 mn through Facility Management Companies and another 18.5 mn through Security Services industry (Data: ISF Annual Report 2024). ISF is working towards growing and strengthening this market. To bring effect, the laws and regulations have started noticing the contributions of the Staffing industry, which is currently growing new employment at  15.3% YoY (Data: ISF Annual Report 2024). ISF expects to interact with law-making authorities to recognize the Staffing industry and create adequate and appropriate laws to manage it.

Establish lasting awareness of ISF amidst key stakeholders (Government, Employers, Staffing companies, Job seekers, Trade Unions, Industry bodies etc)

ISF is the apex body representing the Staffing industry / Private Employment Services that is authorised to discuss with government agencies and other trade bodies on behalf of the staffing industry/ private employment services. Staffing / private employment services is an enabler to provide social security and long term medical, and retirement benefit to temp / flexi-staff. Promoting staffing / private employment services therefore will address various issues of employment benefits being provided to employees. Several corporates today, are still not aware of Staffing / private employment services as a mechanism to staff their requirements. The ISF will work towards making the public/ government and the market at large aware of Staffing / private employment services as a means to effectively achieve their objectives. This will help easier inputs and suggestions in law making and related legislations. A temp /flexi job is still sometimes considered as a taboo or not looked up favourably by our society in India. The type of the job and the temporary nature is considered equivalent to a transitive state as compared to western societies where private employment services are a way of life. Changing this orientation and promoting staffing / private employment services as a choice of employment will be an additional objective of the ISF.

Build a representative association

The ISF will have several members and it is important that the member companies follow a code of conduct so that both the customer and the workforce is provided with quality services, and is adequately informed.

Code of Conduct - ISF Members

As a member of the Federation,

1. We do not charge service fee from candidates for recruitment services

2. We adhere to the law of the land

3. We respect candidate privacy, and provide fair treatment

4. We respect healthy competition

5. We treat information shared and exchanged with utmost confidentiality

6. We provide a true and correct representation of our services to the clients as well as candidates

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