How steps can organizations take keeping in mind the existing challenges in the employment demand and supply?

Aditya Narayan Mishra

Director and CEO, CIEL HR

The current employment scenario is undergoing a lot of unprecedented changes, owing to the

current geopolitical situations resulting in the economic slowdown. Amidst all these

uncertainties, employers need to build trust and confidence among their employees that the

work environment is friendly and positively oriented towards employees.

Employees, mainly the Gen Zs and Millennials, hold a wide gamut of expectations from their

employers. They want to work for organisations that are compassionate, have an inclusive

culture and drive change in the society. But Hybrid work is making it difficult for them to connect

with the organisation and embrace its culture. Leaders have the responsibility of communicating

the vision, again and again, using multiple channels to their workforce. They have to help the

employees understand how they contribute to the overall results of the organisation and shape

its future.

Stress and burnout have been increasing among the young employees, resulting in the recent

trend of Quiet Quitting. Employers need to do pulse checks often and keep a close eye on the

wellbeing of their people. They have to make sure that the organisation is structured right and

the jobs are defined appropriately.

In this technologically advanced era, organisations must turn towards gleaning valuable insights

about their workforce and consider them in their HR practices right from talent acquisition to

talent development and various other operational aspects such as managing employee lifecycle

and enhancing employee experience.


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