How changing of the mind set in temporary staffing industry will change the economy?

Jaynarayan Tiwari

Chairman & Founder at BayLeaf HR Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Member, ISF

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The Recruitment Industry has always been responsible for infusing fresh talent in organizations which are constantly evolving according to changing times. However, the pandemic has been a game changer for many businesses. Some have benefitted, while some have plummeted. This has also brought about new innovations and technology being imbibed into businesses. New methods have been adopted to ensure that the businesses survived and, in some cases, thrived.

The outlook towards the recruiting procedures have also undergone a drastic change. Companies that always believed that a good office culture helps their business, were forced to allow employees to temporarily work from home. Some also initiated employee health programs and changes in their health and medical policies, thus setting new standards for employee benefit programs.

The recruitment industry also took a huge hit as many companies and start-ups felt the heat of the pandemic and started using drastic measures to curtail their budgets/losses.

The third wave looming on the horizon hasn’t helped the cause as many companies prepare to brace for impact.

One good thing which is happening now and will improve majorly in the Third Wave is the “Digitization of Operations and creation of Next Generation Models. “Embracing an agile work culture, is now well regarded as being a definitive means to engage workforces and teams who find themselves geographically dispersed.

New HR methods need to be adopted and made part of the organizational process. Virtual recruitments, video interviewing software, virtual induction programs, a robust learning management system, automated payroll Softwares, Cloud teleconferencing Softwares etc. In fact, businesses have to now prepare themselves to automate their processes and make things easier for new recruits. As most companies embark on the road not taken, the only solution lies in constant innovation that smoothens the road ahead.

Jaynarayan Tiwari, Chairman & Founder at BayLeaf HR Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


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